In Kooperation mit der Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing, der Universität zu Köln und der Sihai Confucius Academy, Beijing
1.–4. Juli 2014
Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
Buchensee 1
D-82327 Tutzing
Michael SPIEKER (Akademie für Politische Bildung)
Claudia BICKMANN (Universität zu Köln)
Christian KRIJNEN (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
In the last years it has turned out that Chinese and German philosophy have a surprising amount of fun- damental philosophical themes in common. In the philosophical dialogue between the two traditions of philosophy it has become clear too, that it could be prosperous for deepening the insight in both traditions to focus not so much on the philosophical themes metaphysics and ethics is concerned with, but more on the method leading philosophical knowledge of such themes.
In order to initiate and facilitate this dialogue on philosophical method we would like to invite you to take part in our international conference in Tutzing.
12.00 h A n r e i s e , K a f f e e i m F o y e r
13.45 h Einführung und Begrüßung
Haiming Wen
Renmin University of China, Beijing
Introducing a Unique Methodology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
16.15 h K a f f e e i m F o y e r
16.30 h Reflexion
Michael HOFER
Katholische-Theologische Privatuniversität Linz
17.30 h The Beginning of Thought
Christian KRIJNEN
18.30 h A b e n d e s s e n
Chung-ying CHENG University of Hawaii at Mānoa
8.15 h F r ü h s t ü c k
9.00 h Ways of thinking:
Rainer SCHÄFER Beijing, China
11.00 h P a u s e
Roger AMES
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
12.30 h Mi t t a g e s s e n
14.00 h K a f f e e i m F o y e r
Peking-University, China
15.15 h Transcendental Openness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit Paul COBBEN
Tilburg University, Niederlande
16.15 h P a u s e
Technische Universität Berlin
17.30 h The Idea of Zhongdao in Tsinghua Bamboo Text Baoxun Tao LIANG
Renmin University of China, Beijing
18.30 h A b e n d e s s e n
8.15 h F r ü h s t ü c k
10.00 h Dialectic and Irony
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
11.00 h P a u s e
Seoul National University, South Korea
12.30 h Mi t t a g e s s e n
anschließend gemeinsamer Ausflug mit Abendessen
8.15 h F r ü h s t ü c k
9.00 h Canon Studies (Jingxue) as Confucian Methodology Christian SOFFEL Universität Trier
Lun DU
Universität Duisburg-Essen
11.00 h P a u s e
Nam-In LEE
Seoul National University
12.15 h Schlusswort
12.30 h Mi t t a g e s s e n , E n d e d e r T a g u n g